News Archive (2009)

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Earlier today, Ms. Lucy Lin was invited by the San Diego Chinese-American Women's League to give a public speech at the Carmel Valley Library. Her lecture, titled "The Voice as an Instrument," was very well-received by those in attendance.


Ms. Lucy Lin has accepted the title of Musical Director of the SDCCS after a unanimous vote. Ms. Lin brings with her extensive training and a wealth of experience in the musical arts. The SDCCS is honored to have her with us, and we hope that together we can achieve great things.


The last of three rehearsals with Ms. Anna Carson took place today. See the pictures page for more details. Thanks again to Ms. Carson for her time and effort with us.


Two additional rehearsals are scheduled for the women's section, on Saturday, March 7th and Saturday, April 18th. These will take place from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM, at the usual rehearsal site.


Ms. Anna Carson will be holding three special practice sessions with the SDCCS during the month of February. The three sessions will take place from 9:30 - 11:30 AM on Saturday Feb. 7 (women only), Feb. 14 (men only) and Feb. 28 (full ensemble), at the usual rehearsal site.

Also, the SDCCS China trip is tentatively scheduled for the last week of August through the first week of September (approximately Aug 23 - Sept 6). If you have not done so already, please let your section leader know whether or not you plan on participating. The proposed concert program is available for review here, and the solo assignments here.